Terms and Condition


1.1. BnB money transfer service ("Online Service") is provided by BnB ("we" or "us")...

1.2. This Agreement and the BnB Service allow you to send an online money transfer (a "Transfer")...

1.3. You must set up a "Profile" to use the BnB Online Service...

1.4. By using, or attempting to use, the BnB Online Service in any capacity, you are acknowledging that you (i) accept the terms of this Agreement and (ii) have read all terms relating to the Transfer and all information as described in the online form...

1.5. You cannot send a Transfer on behalf of a third party...

1.6. For online to cash transfers, you can either send the money within the same country or to a different "Receive Country"...

1.7. We do not offer our services in all countries...

1.8. We may communicate with you electronically...

1.9. You agree to promptly update your records if your email address or other contact information in your Profile changes...

2.Using the BnB Online Service

2.1. You agree to use the BnB Online Service only for bona fide and lawful purposes...

2.2. We may report suspicious activity to appropriate law enforcement organizations or other government agencies...

3.Charges and Currency Exchange

3.1. You must pay us the fee stated in the online form...

3.2. If paying by credit card, your credit card will be charged as soon as we accept your request for the Transfer...

3.3. The financial institution that provides you with your debit or credit card may impose fees in connection with your payment for a Transfer...

3.4. If a Transfer is not authorised by you, we will immediately issue a refund unless one or more of conditions (a), (b) or (c) below apply...

3.5. If you are not liable for a payment, and we cannot collect it from your debit or credit card, or the payment is reversed, we will have no further liability to you...

3.6. You can only send money in a certain currency or currencies...

4.Restrictions on Transfers

4.1. There are limits on the amount you are able to send. We will, as necessary, tell you what they are. We may refuse to send the money or allow it to be collected if we reasonably believe that: (a) by doing so we might break any law, regulation, code or other duty that applies to us; (b) doing so may expose us to action from any government or regulator; or (c) it may be linked with fraudulent or illegal activity.

4.2.Unless the law prevents us, you can call us and we will tell you the reasons for our refusal and how you can put right any errors that led to our refusal. If you prefer (and the law allows), or if the law requires, we will return the money to you.

5.Cancelling and Refunding a Transfer

5.1. We will pay the Receive Amount to the Recipient in accordance with your instructions, unless you notify us otherwise. If you wish to cancel this Agreement for a Transfer, you can call us or contact us via BnB Online and request a refund of the Transfer amount. We aim to process such requests promptly but in any case within 30 days

5.2. If paying by credit card, your credit card will be charged as soon as we accept your request for the Transfer...If you cancel this Agreement, we will generally reimburse any payments which you made to us before exercising your right of cancellation, but: (a) we may not reimburse the Consumer Fee as a reflection of the costs already incurred by us except when the cancellation is due to an error by BnB; or (b) we will not reimburse you if we have paid the Receive Amount to the Recipient before we get your notice of cancellation.

5.3. For an online to cash Transfer, if the Transfer was not made properly or did not arrive, we will promptly refund the money and the Consumer Fee if appropriate after investigating the circumstances surrounding the execution of the Transfer.

5.4. We will not be liable where you have not met your obligations in condition 8.3 and the money is paid to someone who gave the Agent what it reasonably believed to be valid identification for the Recipient ("Identification"). Identification will typically comprise a passport or other government issued identification document (the requirements differ depending on which country the Transfer is collected in- you can find out what the requirements are from an Agent or our website.

5.5. We will not refund you if we are not liable under condition 13.4.

Our Partners

Wave Money
Q Money